Visualisation of sea level rise at 2 degrees global warming

Task Concept and Visualization

The effects of climate change are not only already measurable and tangible today, but will accompany us over the next centuries, even millennia.

Many phenomena are extremely slow and have consequences that only become apparent with a considerable time lag. The rise in sea level is one of these processes.

Visualisation of predicted sea level rise in Porto, Portugal at 2 degrees global warming

Once set in motion, the rise will continue for millennia and with a global temperature increase of 2 degrees, resulting in significant changes to the landscape in some regions of the earth. To visualise this phenomenon and bring it into our everyday life today, a photomontage of the coastal city of Porto was carried out, showing the predicted sea level rise in today's cityscape.

Starting with an image of the city centre on the Douro River, and using topographic models, GIS and image processing software, an image was created that visualises the predicted 10,000 year sea level rise in today's context. The scientific study on which the photomontage is based is linked below.

Photomanipulation before and after

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